compromiso en el trabajo

The school participates in the DCH Global Human Capital Summit 2024

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On June 7th, OBS Business School was present at the DCH Global Summit on Human Capital 2024, an event under the title "Leading Change in the Future of Work". The event, held in Bogotá, was organised once again this year by the International Organisation of Human Capital Managers, the largest association of HR managers in Latin America, bringing together more than 4,200 members.

Verónica Pastor, professor at OBS Business School and BP People and Organisation New Business and Global Customer and Planning at REPSOL, led the workshop "Employee Experience 4.0: Leading the Transformation".

Workers' welfare as a transformative pillar

As part of her presentation, Pastor addressed relevant issues such as the need for companies to make a strategic shift focused on the well-being of their employees to create healthier and more collaborative work experiences. "When people connect with the experience their company provides, it leads to lower internal turnover, higher employee retention, more attraction and, in addition, improved productivity," she said.

Wellness programmes, such as gym memberships and stress management workshops, are gaining popularity, while flexible working policies, such as home working and flexible schedules, are becoming the norm. The combination of these types of policy initiatives aims to provide a healthy balance between employees' personal and professional lives, leading to higher job satisfaction.

Verónica Pastor DHL

"A happy employee is 43% more productive"

According to Pastor, "The happiness of an employee involves a number of phases. It is like a journey; first there is an initial appeal, but the journey, all the way from the onboarding to the closing, is what determines the employee's happiness. A happy employee is 43% more productive, according to Harvard studies. However, only 13% of employees feel engaged and committed to what they do".

Verónica also stresses the importance of having a good leader: "Leadership is essential to mobilise the energy of a team, because more than managing talent, we manage emotions. We need to develop new leadership models to attract better candidates to companies. In addition, we must remember that the organisation's number one clients are the employees themselves, so it is essential to build their experience in order for them to talk about their company," stated the OBS Business School professor.

Keys to a good experience

According to the expert, the keys to building corporate identity, offering a good experience and reducing staff turnover are:

  1. Strategic Priority: Workplace wellbeing integrated into the company's mission and vision, thus ensuring a positive working environment.
  2. Real Commitment: leaders must demonstrate a genuine commitment to team well-being through concrete actions that promote a culture of respect and support.
  3. Work methodology: adapting working methods, such as flexible schedules and home office work, improves employee satisfaction and productivity.
  4. Specific Skills: investing in the training and professional development of employees fosters a continuous learning mentality and makes them feel valued.
  5. Cross-vision: promoting inclusion and diversity ensures that all voices are heard, creating a more equitable and cohesive work environment.