Tech MBA de OBS Business School

Tech MBA

School of Innovation & Technology Management

The Tech MBA provides managers, capable of leading the implementation process of new technologies in international organisations, with the necessary skills for successful business management and administration, delving into the processes linked to technology. This MBA allows you to acquire the know-how to lead the different phases of project management through agile methodologies and to lead competitive environments with a high technological component. In addition, the programme is ranked among the best online MBAs to study in Spain by the Ranking El Mundo.

Descubre los Máster de la School of Innovation & Technology Management de OBS
Tech MBA (Spanish)
  • 12 months
  • 60 ECTS
  • APRIL 2025
  • Online
  • 13900 €
Universitat de Barcelona (UB), partner académico de OBS Business School
Universitat de Barcelona

Get a double degree from our academic partner, the reference university in Catalonia and Spain with more than 560 years of history behind it.

OBS ha recibido la máxima distinción de QS Stars en online learning
QS Stars Rating System

We are the first 100% online Business School in the world to receive the QS Stars rating, obtaining the highest distinction, five QS Stars, in the Online Learning.

OBS entre las mejores escuelas de negocio online según el ranking de El Mundo
Ranking El Mundo

The Tech MBA is recognised as one of the Best Online MBAs to study in Spain within the TOP 20 Educational Centres according to the El Mundo Ranking.



Acquire the necessary skills to be a leader 4.0, as a link between business management, technology, and change in corporate culture.


Detect the technological impact on the different processes of the company in order to incorporate new technologies in all areas.


Learn about the phases linked to technology monitoring that will allow you to obtain the relevant information for the identification and determination of new technologies to be incorporated into the company.


Develop the technological strategy of a company based on its characteristics and needs in order to improve its positioning in the market and, consequently, its competitiveness.

Conoce al detalle de los principales objetivos del Máster 100% online de OBS Business School

Tech MBA Syllabus

Our programme is structured in two blocks and culminates with the Master's Thesis. In addition, during the course of the programme you will take part in two voluntary bootcamps and different additional activities.

Block 1. Business Management
Block 2. Innovation and Technological Management
MBA Final Project
Bootcamps and additional activities

Manuel Gutiérrez Escofet

Programme Director and CEO at Servitec Group

1. Business management

This course offers an overview of the structural changes that have occurred in companies as a result of digitalisation, as well as the transformation of traditional business models to new digital models.

Professor: Marc Sansó Mata, Founder and CEO of ELSEBITS.

This subject provides the basic knowledge of business management that will enable you to lead and coordinate any department, from setting objectives to budget control.

Professor: Marcelo Alejandro de Arregui, Partner at CEO Solutions

This course introduces you to the different processes in the Human Resources department, as well as the key strategies for team management, analysing in an integrated way the impact and different uses of the new technological tools in this department.

Professor: Verónica Pastor Alcaide, BP People and Organisation New Business and Digital Products, CMO and Performance at Repsol.

This subject allows you to understand the key functions, elements and areas in the marketing department in order to identify and implement the tools that best suit each of the processes developed, and allow you to improve their efficiency and performance.

Professor: Gemma Segura, Trainer and consultant in Coaching and Mindfulness..

In this course we will determine and analyse the different key functions and processes in the area of digital marketing, identifying those where the intensive use of new technologies can lead to progress in improving efficiency and results. Approaching digital marketing and focusing especially on social media, user experience, SEO and SEM and Inbound Marketing.

Professor: Vanessa Troncho García, CEO & Founder en T-Valley y CEO & Co-founder en U-Grow.

In this subject you will acquire the necessary foundations to understand the processes linked to sales management, delving into the particular aspects of eCommerce, to be able to lead the technological implementation in this area, achieving better monitoring. Focusing on the functioning of the commercial department, the definition of the commercial strategy and the tools and automation such as CRM. We will also address the key concepts, typologies and tools of eCommerce.

Professor: Antonio Díaz Morales, Coordinator for European Affairs at Universidad Autónoma de Chile.

In this course you will learn to determine the existing processes in the finance department, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the different parts, analysing those areas where the use of new technologies, such as digital means of payment or Blockchain, can be an advantage.

We will address the roles and responsibilities of the finance department, along with its main functions, processes and technologies that are within the reach of finance, as well as new tools: feasibility and applications.

Professor: Jordi Andreu Corbatón, Founding and Scouting Manager at T-Valley Ecosystem


In this course you will study the different existing regulatory frameworks in the field of digital law, as well as aspects related to intellectual and industrial property of new technologies.

Professor: Ramón Martín Miralles López, Partner of Privacy, Cybersecurity and Corporate Compliance at ECIJA Barcelona.

With this course you will understand the functioning and processes developed in the operations department of different companies, identifying those areas where the inclusion of certain technologies can improve efficiency, reduce risks and reduce losses.

Professor: Tom Van der Heyden, Co-Founder and CEO at S3 Group.

Thanks to this course you will understand the advantages of making efficient use of massively generated data, thanks to the integration of new technologies in the different processes, and of decision making based on these, as well as the process of development and implementation of Big Data architectures.

Professor: Layla Scheli, Head of Technical Secretariat at IOSPER.

2. Innovation and Technological Management

In this course you will study in depth the processes and techniques used in areas of obtaining internal and external information on new technological advances. As well as technology watch within business processes, its phases and methodologies.

Professor: Ángel Gálvez, Global CISO at Avolta.

This subject will allow you to understand the process of identifying the existing technological needs of an organisation, as well as the phases and key elements of the strategic definition of technology and the consequent development of a strategic plan.

Professor: Evis Luzmila Rosales COntreras , IT Service / IT Project Management Consultant at SIX Group.

With this course you will understand the process oriented to the optimisation and protection of the existing technological resources in the organisation, going in depth into the key concepts, elements and tools in this process.

Professor: José Antonio Martínez, Professional in Management Development Programmes at the Andalusian Regional Government.

In this subject you will learn and deepen in the different phases oriented to the management of technological projects: their phases and life cycle through the implementation of agile methodologies and the main management tools of these: MS Project.

Professor: Manuel Yagüe González, Director Madrid Office at Slimstock.

In this course we will provide you with the knowledge and tools that will allow you to gather the necessary evidence to validate and recommend controls for information processing and security.

Professor: Albert Martínez, CIO Hospital Francesc en Borja.

This course will help you to understand the process of management and definition of the strategy aimed at guaranteeing the security of the information generated in the organisation, as well as the information stored in it, reducing risks and mitigating incidents and threats.

Professor: Martín Piqueras, Senior Partner at Gartner.

This course will help you understand the basic concepts of artificial intelligence, as well as analyse its applicability in today's business environment, addressing Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks and business applications of Artificial Intelligence.

Professor: José Ramón Sanfiz Roy, Transformation Director at Atmira.

In this subject you will focus on the concepts, principles and key elements of user experience design, as well as identifying the tools and techniques that allow you to ensure that the product developed guarantees an optimal experience, such as UX, UI and interaction design.

Professor: Luís Vila del Campo, Growth Director at Propelland.

You will learn the process for the virtualisation of different business processes, making use of Cloud Computing technologies, as well as analysing other potential applications that may exist in the business environment.

Professor: Efraín Roberto Ruh Sosa, Field CTO Continental Europe at Digitate.

We will determine the different existing trends in ICT management, as well as identify potential applications of new technological tools in other business processes, addressing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, robotics, additive production and IoT.

Professor: Eduard Contijoch Miquel, Senior Manager at Indra Minsait and Utilities Account Executive at T-Systems Iberia.

Final Project and Additional activities

This programme is designed to complement the content of the thematic blocks with the necessary training to achieve their internalisation. The training is conceived from a threefold perspective: technical assistance, personal support and individual and group challenges that are necessary to achieve the objectives set.

Pre-Masters Bootcamps

The student will have the opportunity to take 3 Pre-Master Bootcamps that will be opened progressively and can be taken at any time. Once the course has been completed and passed, a certificate of completion will be awarded.

- Bootcamp 1. Personal Branding
- Bootcamp 2. Data Storytelling
- Bootcamp 3. Creative thinking and innovation

In addition, students will also have the opportunity to take these pre-master courses; however, these are available in English only:
- Building Your Professional Brand for Employability and Career Success
- Finance Fundamentals

Introductory workshop | Campus Training

Before the start of the academic year, students will have the opportunity to attend an introductory workshop on the Campus where they will be provided with the tools and knowledge necessary for the correct use of the platform during the academic year.

Professional Development Programme (PDP)

Two weeks before the start of the academic year, students will be able to participate in a professional development programme where they will work hand in hand with a teacher to develop different skills such as time management, productivity and stress management and artificial intelligence. Upon completion of the workshop, and provided that the relevant activities have been carried out, a certificate of completion can be obtained.

Development of strategic plans

Strategic Plan for the implementation of new technologies in the company.

During 6 months students will participate in the definition, development and presentation of a strategic plan aimed at evaluating the potential of new technologies in the existing processes in a real company of their choice. A lecturer will supervise their work. The TFM must be presented before an examining board.

Professor: Manuel Gutiérrez Escofet, CEO at Servitec.

The Tech MBA is complemented by conferences, bootcamps, debates and videoconferences that will be held during the programme. These additional activities are carried out by renowned professionals in the technology sector who will share their experiences and case studies with students.

Bootcamp: Preparation for AWS certification. Cloud Computing Fundamentals

This bootcamp aims to prepare you for the AWS Cloud Fundamentals certification. This bootcamp complements the Cloud Computing Environments module.

Professor: Juan Manuel Gómez García, Senior Enterprise Account Manager at Amazon Web Services.

Preparación para la Certificación de Amazon Web Services: AWS Fundamentos Cloud Computing

Bootcamp: Coaching skills for team management

This bootcamp aims to work on different coaching skills linked to team management. It complements the HR module: leadership 4.0. and change management.

Professor: Almudena Amores Sánchez, International Certified Executive Coach: Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by ICF and CPCC (Certified Professional Co-active Coach) by CTI.


Bootcamp: Execution of ideas. How to land a proposal and make it a reality.

This bootcamp aims to prepare the student to translate business plans into operational plans. It wants to help ideas and projects not to stay in meeting rooms or fade away over time.

This bootcamp prepares students to deal with the main constraints to the execution of ideas: time management, resource saturation, lack of organisation and lack of definition and follow-up.

Professor: Josep Oriol Pastor Utzet, Consultor Proyectos Operaciones y Supply Chain.

Virtual exchanges and COILS

During the programme, students will have the option of participating in a virtual exchange with TEC de Monterrey, where they will take a subject that will later be validated in the OBS syllabus*.

In addition, they will also be able to participate in a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) with students from TEC Monterrey and CENTRUM in Peru*.

*Places for both activities are limited to a maximum number of participants.

Taller de intercambio con el TEC de Monterrey en el Global MBA de OBS

Company visits
During the course of the programme, students will have the opportunity to attend synchronous videoconferences held by professional experts in the programme area. They share their experiences and best practices in their sector.

Most of the training is done asynchronously, i.e. the exchange of knowledge is done through a platform that allows the sharing of written texts without the need for people to be connected at the same time.

Additionally, in each of the modules, synchronous sessions or 'webinars' are organised, where all participants are connected at the same time through an application, which allows the exchange of knowledge in 'real time'.

Students taking the OBS Tech MBA will have the opportunity to prepare for the following certifications.

- ICN Business IT Certification*.
- Scrum Certification (Product Owner & Scrum Master)*.
- Amazon Web Services Cloud Fundamentals Certification (cost included in the programme fee).

*Cost not included in the programme fee.


La metodología Student ON de OBS se centra en el estudiante impulsando su desarrollo profesional en un entorno 100% online

OBS has an online methodology where the core is the student. Always backed by active and internationally renowned lecturers, who share their knowledge to enhance the professional development of students through a flexible, collaborative method with personalised monitoring. The aim is to create a unique educational experience that allows the assimilation of knowledge in a practical way.

Student ON's fundamental pillar is the student and, for this reason, throughout the course students have their Program Manager, an academic figure who accompanies them in a personalised way.


After successfully completing the Master's degree and having completed the relevant procedures, you will receive the Master's degree from OBS Business School. In addition, you will have the possibility of obtaining a longlife learning Master's degree from the University of Barcelona (UB), provided that you meet the established academic, documentation, payment, and administrative requirements.

To obtain it, you must have a university degree. In the exceptional case of not having this degree and having passed the Master's evaluations, you will obtain a Higher University Diploma from the University of Barcelona (UB).

At OBS Business School we are committed to our own degree that allows us to update the programmes in each edition in order to be at the forefront of the knowledge demanded by companies today. Our programmes are focused on professionals who want to update their management skills while living an international experience, basing our value proposition on a global academic approach.


Con los MBAs y Másters online de OBS podrás obtener una doble titulación

Admission Process

The fundamental aim of our admissions process is to ensure the suitability of candidates. All participants should get the most out of this learning experience, through a context in which it is possible to develop long-term relationships with classmates, faculty and alumni.

To be admitted to the Tech MBA, students must have a university degree or higher, with a minimum of 5 years of professional or managerial experience to ensure an optimal development of the programme.

After completing the application form for one of our programmes, you will receive an e-mail with information about the School and a member of the Admissions Department will contact you to start the admission process. Once you have successfully passed the personal interview, you must submit all the required documentation to continue the admission process and certify that you meet the requirements of the student profile. After the Admissions Committee, if it is positive, you will be able to register and enrol in the programme you have applied for.

Steps of the Admissions Process of OBS Business School in English

Student Profile

The Tech MBA students have an average of 13 years of experience, come from 21 nationalities, and share a common goal: to enhance their management skills to boost their professional careers. Year after year, the most prominent multinationals and companies from different productive sectors count on their talent, making a clear commitment to diversity, internationalisation and leadership.

OBS Business School Tech MBA Student Profile
"The benefits are availability and find that balance between work, learning and growing"
Maria Christina Rose
Global MBA and Master in Project Management