OBS ha sido reconocida con cinco QS Stars en Online Learning

OBS Sustainability

Committed to sustainable development


At OBS we know that education is the engine that drives us towards a more conscious and responsible future. For us, sustainable development is a commitment rooted in our educational philosophy and we strive to educate leaders equipped with the skills and knowledge to make ethical and sustainable decisions.

We are proud to be recognised at PIR for integrating the principles of sustainability into all aspects of our teaching and empowering our students to become agents of positive change.

positive impact rating landing sustainability


At OBS we develop different actions and initiatives that actively contribute to the achievement of the following Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations General Assembly and included in the 2030 Agenda:

ODS 4 English
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education
ODS 8 English
Promoting employment and decent work for all
ODS 9 English
Promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
ODS 10 English
Reduce inequality within and among countries
Casilda Graduación Completa

Alumni Talks

Alumni Talks Crecimiento Sostenible

In this episode of Alumni Talks, our former students chat about companies that have implemented strategies to promote social and environmental improvements.


Green Week

Hero Green Week 2023

The Green Week is an annual event organised by the school that aims to explore different options for implementing effective environmental management in business.


Executive Meeting

Encuentro Directivo Guillem Bargalló

In the first Executive Meeting of the 3rd season, our dean, Dr. Casilda Güell, talks to Guillem Bargalló, Head of Sustainability at IKEA Catalunya and CEO of El Bien Social.