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Faculty & Research


At OBS Business School we believe that research is fundamental to be able to offer quality and innovative content in all our programmes. That is why, as a training institution, we endorse reports, opinion articles and publications that our teachers produce as our own quality content on different research topics.


One of the main activities of our academic team is to work day by day on various lines of research representative of their professional field in order to bring added value to the school as an institution and research body. The team includes the following researchers:

Casilda Güell, PhD Dean of OBS Business School
Casilda Güell, PhD
  • Academic Background

PhD in International History. London School of Economics
BA in Government. London School of Economics
Fellow European Institute. London School of Economics

  • Partnerships

EOCCS Certification Board of Governance Member
Member of the EOCCS evaluation commissions for EFMD (Asia, Latin America and Europe).
ANECA PhD Professor
President of the OBServatory Research Centre OBS Business School
Member of the Board of Directors of Real Club de Golf el Prat
Consultant for the Princess of Girona Foundation
Member of the Alumni Association AULA - Escuela Europea
Former member of the Advisory Board of FC Barcelona                                                                                                               

  • Research areas

Cross-cultural management
Geopolitics and impact on the economy
Globalisation and international relations

  • Notable publications

Tintoré, M. & Güell, C. (2016). Comparing leadership: business, politics and education. Social Sciences, 5(6-1).
Ballart, X. and Güell, C. (2016). ¿Qué cambia las políticas? Ideas contra intereses. Revista de Estudios Políticos, 171.
Ballart, X. and Güell, C. (2015). Airport ownership and regulation in Spain: explaining the resistance to change. Journal of Air Transport Management, 47, 112-118. 
Tintoré, M. and Güell, C. (2013). Political leadership under the classic thinkers: lessons for education. The International Journal of Civic and Political Studies, 7-1, 65-74. 
Güell, C. (2006). The failure of Catalanist opposition to Franco (1939-1950) (prologue by Paul Preston) (Doctoral Dissertation) Retrieved from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.

Alba Barbarà, PhD Vice-Dean of OBS Business School
Alba Barbarà, PhD
  • Academic Background

PhD Cum Laude in Economics and Business. Rovira i Virgili University
Master's Degree in Strategic Business Management. Rovira i Virgili University
Degree in Business Administration and Management. Rovira i Virgili University                                                                                                       

  • Research areas

Human resources psychology
Organisational diversity
Professional and organisational identity

  • Notable publications

Barbarà-i-Molinero, A.; Cascón Pereira, R.; Lorenzo Seva, U.; Hernández Lara, A. Development and Psychometric validation of the Professional Identity Strength Influences Scale (PISTIS). Tipo de Producción: Artículo. Sent to Research in Higher Education (Enviado a Research in Higher Education). 
Barbarà-i-Molinero, A, Sancha, C., Cascón, R. and Kruger, H.A. (2019). Facilitating the transition from being a geography student to becoming a geographer in Spain: the role of professional identity. Journal of Geography in Higher Education.
Barbarà-i-Molinero, A., Sancha, C. and Cascon, R. (2018).  Healthcare vs Social Science students: Who identifies the most?. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.
Barbarà-i-Molinero, A. 2017. Who are we as an Organization? Incorporation of Diversity in Employees’ Organizational Identity. 17th International conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations.
Barbarà-i-Molinero, A.; Cascón-Pereira, R.; y, Hernández-Lara, AB. 2017. Professional Identity Development in Higher Education: Influencing Factors. International Journal of Educational Management, vol. 31, iss: 2, pp.189-203. 
Barbarà-i-Molinero, A.; y, Sancha, C. 2016. Face-to- Face vs. Online learning: the impacto on academics’ Professional Identity. ICERI 2016 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-84-617-5895-1). 
Sancha, C. and Barbarà-i-Molinero, A. (2016). Academics' Professional Identity: A Contingency Perspective. Social Sciences, 5(6-1), 29-34.
Barbarà Molinero, A.; Cascón Pereira, R. 2013. Professional Identity Construction in Higher Education: A conceptual framework of the inlfuencing factors. International Journal of social, Behavioural, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, Vol, 7., n. 6, pp.1605-1610. 


Our experts and teachers share and learn on a global level and are always present at conferences and congresses in the education sector.
