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OBServatory 3.0

Research Centre

Welcome to the OBServatory 3.0, the OBS Business School Research Centre. An international community of rectors, deans, managers, professors and researchers from business schools or universities dedicated to share their research on socio-economic trends and online higher education in management.


The OBServatory 3.0, International Research Centre, is an initiative that aims to identify socio-economic trends that stand out for their impact on society, as well as to exchange ideas and identify the main advances and trends in online higher education, contributing to the construction of quality criteria and standards, sharing, disseminating and promoting good practices through the appropriate use of technological resources and effective responsible management.

All the activity we generate in OBServatory 3.0 is channelled through four main pillars:

We share all the activity we develop through different dissemination channels: on the website you are browsing, publications of reports related to online training with special emphasis on management training (current events, new trends, good practices, etc.), as well as sending out the annual Newsletter.

This network is made up of researchers, members and collaborators, and remains open to the incorporation of new participants to continue enriching us with their knowledge and contributions.

Among all the experts that make up our network, we have Deans of institutions with online training in Management, Directors of Online Universities, Directors of Master's and Postgraduate programmes, Directors of International Certification Institutions, among others.

Since 2014, there has been an annual meeting point where we share proposals for improvement, lines of research and challenges in online higher education in management. Focusing each year on a different topic, the seminar brings together the best experts in the field. As a result, a space is created to debate the different current issues in online management education and global trends with a potential impact on today's societies.

Advisory Board

The OBServatory 3.0 Advisory Board is the main body responsible for promoting and managing the development of research on socio-economic trends and online higher education in management by building relationships with other organisations.

It also promotes the organisation of our annual seminars such as the International Seminar on Online Higher Education in Management and ensures their prestige. The Advisory Board is made up of 10 institutions from 8 different countries.

OBS Business School (Spain)
EFMD (Belgium)
TEC de Monterrey (Mexico)
Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina)
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia)

Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Perú)
Universidad Anáhuac (Mexico)
Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Colombia)
BIU - Broward International University (United States)
Universitat Carlemany (Andorra)

Organisation chart

Conoce el organigrama del OBServatory 3.0 de OBS Business School

Academic Reports

Discover the latest reports produced by professors and collaborators at OBS Business School. In addition to research into techniques for improving online higher education, OBS carries out research to identify the main advances and trends in different areas of technology, the economy and society.


You can contact the Head of Research for any questions or clarifications through the OBServatory 3.0 coordination department:

  • Coordinación OBServatory 3.0

[email protected] 
+34 938 299 635  

Ponte en contacto con el equipo de OBS Business School