Hero del Máster en Dirección de Marketing y Gestión Comercial de OBS Business School

Master in Marketing and Commercial Management

School of Business Administration & Leadership

The Master in Marketing and Commercial Management provides students with a comprehensive vision of the process of conceptualisation and sale of a product or service. It also offers the key concepts and knowledge of the Marketing and Sales area in order to successfully lead said department.

School of Business Administration & Leadership de OBS
Master in Marketing and Commercial Management (Spanish)
  • 12 months
  • 60 ECTS
  • APRIL 2025
  • Online
  • 7500 €
Universitat de Barcelona (UB), partner académico de OBS Business School
Universitat de Barcelona

Get a double degree from our academic partner, the reference university in Catalonia and Spain with more than 560 years of history behind it.

OBS ha recibido la máxima distinción de QS Stars en online learning
QS Stars Rating System

We are the first 100% online Business School in the world to receive the QS Stars rating, obtaining the highest distinction, five QS Stars, in the Online Learning category.

Logo BGA de AMBA, membresía obtenida por OBS Business School
AMBA's BGA Membership

OBS is a member of AMBA's BGA (Business Graduates Association), an institution that recognises the academic quality of high potential Business Schools.



    Understand the needs of the market and adapt your business strategy by applying the most up-to-date tools and techniques.


    Acquire the essential knowledge for managing sales teams and develop the necessary skills to be able to occupy leadership positions.


    Learn about the elements that should make up a marketing plan and apply them in practice during the course of the programme.


    Know the different techniques, tools and methodologies linked to market analysis and research in order to carry out an adequate analysis of existing data.

Conoce al detalle de los principales objetivos del Máster 100% online de OBS Business School

Master in Marketing and Commercial Management's Syllabus

Our programme is structured in 4 blocks and culminates with the Master’s final project. In addition, during the programme there will be two voluntary bootcamps and different additional activities.

Block 1. New competitive environment
Block 2. Marketing management
Block 3. Sales management
Block 4. Financial and budgetary management
Final Project
Bootcamps and Additional Activities

David Oliva López
Director of the Programme and Advertising Account Manager in Smäll

1. New competitive environment

The digital transformation process is a reality that different companies have to face, since the changes that have taken place have an impact on both a general and specific level. This subject analyses how technological innovation and social changes affect the competitive environment of organisations and their impact on the economy.

ProfessorGemma Segura Virella, Consultant, Coach, and Mindfulness Trainer at Gemma Segura Virella.

2. Marketing Management

Identifying business opportunities requires reliable information to reduce uncertainty and help make the best decisions for each business. In this subject, you will delve into topics such as the market research process, quantitative and qualitative research, and sales forecasting, among others.

Professor: Ignacio Somalo Peciña, Founder of Lonesome Digital and Strategy Director at vdSHOP.

One of the main goals in marketing is to find out and satisfy the needs of consumers. In this subject, you will learn how to detect and cover the current and future needs of your clients, as well as identify the opportunities presented by the market. To do so, you will learn about the strategic function of marketing, marketing management and the development of a marketing plan, among many other things.

Lecturer: Eduardo Correa Lázaro, Managing Partner at Ephemeral Life.

The mission of Operational Marketing is to put into practice the strategies defined in the different action plans, both in the short and long term. Some of the topics that will be covered in this subject are the marketing mix, the keys to trade marketing and the main marketing strategies, among others.

Professor: Mario V. González FuentesAssociate Professor Of Marketing at Trinity University.

It's impossible to understand today's business environment without a deep knowledge of brand management. Understanding what a brand is, what it's used for, what elements it has and how it's built is fundamental for any marketer who wants to successfully carry out their profession. This subject will cover the key concepts and the latest branding tools, as well as explain how to build brands that survive in the digital paradigm, whether they are native or eminently offline.

Professor: David Oliva LópezAdvertising Account Manager en Smäll.

The new digital ecosystem requires a specific set of essential actions to develop successful marketing activities. The new economic environment demands new marketing strategies and actions, as well as an in-depth knowledge of the new digital communication and sales platforms. This course will cover topics such as the keys to user engagement, the Marketing 2.0 strategy and the new consumer and business models.

Professor: Eduard García RosicartFounder & CEO at Kaitaku Digital and Metaverse News.

3. Sales Management

Knowing how to negotiate is one of the skills that every commercial manager must possess. This subject studies negotiation as a tool for persuading and resolving conflicts, from the point of view of a mix of personal skills and knowledge of both the interlocutor and the product or service offered. In this subject you will learn about the different negotiation styles, the negotiation process and the closing and follow-up of a sale.

Lecturer: Genoveva Beatriz PuritaDirectora de Posicionamiento en CEO Solutions de Argentina.

Taking care of customer relationships effectively and in the long term is essential to achieve customer loyalty. In this subject, you'll learn about the specific area of the marketing sector that focuses on the management of important customers of the company, you'll find out more about the role of the Key Account Manager, and you will delve into the actions and strategies designed to create lasting relationships with clients.

Professor: Francisco de la Torre Conte, Associate faculty at various institutions including ESADE, Geneva Business School & Toulouse Business School.

The sales force is, on many occasions, the visible face of the company and the main point of contact with a large part of the clients, which is why taking care of its management effectively, as well as training and motivating the team is so important. In this module, you'll learn everything there is to know about the management of a sales team.

Professor: Javier de Miguel Luken, Socio Director en Topminds.

4. Financial management and budgeting

The Marketing and Sales department works as a revenue centre whose ultimate goal is to generate sales. Therefore, budget management and control, as well as a thorough knowledge of the key variables of an income statement, is critical to achieve the objectives defined by the department. This subject will cover topics such as return on assets and return on capital, the concept of Marketing Audit and the Balanced Scorecard in Marketing, among others.

Lecturer: Mireia Macià MestanzaDirectora financiera y de sistemas en HERCAL DIGGERS S.L

Master's Final Project and Additional Activities

This programme is designed to complement the content of the thematic blocks with the necessary training to achieve their internalisation. The training is conceived from a threefold perspective: technical assistance, personal support and individual and group challenges that are necessary to achieve the objectives set.

Pre-Masters Bootcamps

The student will have the opportunity to take 3 Pre-Master Bootcamps that will be opened progressively and can be taken at any time. Once the course has been completed and passed, a certificate of completion will be awarded.
- Bootcamp 1. Personal Branding
- Bootcamp 2. Data Storytelling
- Bootcamp 3. Creative thinking and innovation

In addition, students will also have the opportunity to take these pre-master courses; however, these are available only in english:
- Building Your Professional Brand for Employability and Career Success
- Finance Fundamentals

Introductory workshop | Campus Training

Before the start of the academic year, students will have the opportunity to attend an introductory workshop on the Campus where they will be provided with the tools and knowledge necessary for the correct use of the platform during the academic year.

Professional Development Programme (PDP)

Two weeks before the start of the academic year, students will be able to participate in a professional development programme where they will work hand in hand with a teacher to develop different skills such as time management, productivity and stress management and emotional intelligence. Upon completion of the workshop, and provided that the relevant activities have been carried out, a certificate of completion can be obtained.

The Master's Final Project must be carried out in teams of three or four people maximum, so it will be an opportunity to integrate and apply the knowledge acquired on how to divide up work, delegate and take responsibility. The final project will take the form of two documents:

1. Written report following the established guidelines.
2. PowerPoint presentation in which the work is defended by the team following the established guidelines.

Professor: Joan Roca, Lecturer at the Antonio de Nebrija University.

The Master's in Marketing and Sales Management is complemented by conferences, bootcamps and seminars given in each of the blocks. These additional activities are carried out by renowned professionals in business management who, by means of videoconferences, present their experiences and practical cases.

Bootcamp: Marketing Simulator

The introduction of a Business Game in the development of the programme allows you to test your analytical skills and strategic thinking in a competitive environment. The bootcamp is about business performance and students will have the opportunity to integrate the different skills developed throughout the programme. The focus is on identifying and analysing the sources of profitability available to the firm and developing strategies to access and exploit those sources of profitability. In other words, the course focuses on the analysis of competitive advantage.

ProfessorLuís Toro Dupouy, Profesor y director de programas académicos

Bootcamp: Marketing Plan

In this bootcamp, students will learn, in a practical way, how to develop a Marketing Plan. This bootcamp is key for the development of the Master's Final Project.

Professor: Joan Roca, Lecturer at Universidad Antonio de Nebrija.

Virtual Exchanges and COILs

During the course of the programme, students will also be able to participate in a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) with students from TEC de Monterrey and CENTRUM in Peru*.
*Places for both activities are limited to a maximum number of participants.
*Las plazas para ambas actividades están limitadas a un volumen máximo de participantes.

Taller de intercambio con el TEC de Monterrey en el Global MBA de OBS

Company visits

During the development of the programme, students will have the opportunity to attend synchronous videoconferences with experts in the area of the programme. They will share their experience and provide best practices in the sector.


Most of the training is done asynchronously, that is, the exchange of knowledge is done through a platform that allows sharing written texts without the need for people to be connected at the same time.

Additionally, in each of the modules, synchronous sessions or 'webinars' are organised, where all participants are connected at the same time through an application, which allows the exchange of knowledge in 'real time'.

Students taking the Master in Marketing and Commercial Management will have the opportunity to prepare for the Scrum Certification (Product Owner & Scrum Master)*.

*The cost of the certification, as well as the preparatory course, is not included in the price of the programme.


La metodología Student ON de OBS se centra en el estudiante impulsando su desarrollo profesional en un entorno 100% online

OBS has an online methodology where the student is always at the core. Said methodology is backed by active and internationally renowned professors who share their knowledge to enhance the professional development of students through a flexible, collaborative method with personalized monitoring. The goal is to create a unique educational experience that allows the assimilation of knowledge in a practical way.
Given that the fundamental pillar of the Student ON methodology is the student, each of them has their own Program Manager throughout the course, an academic figure that accompanies the student in a personalized way.


After successfully finishing the Master's degree, and having completed the relevant procedures, you will receive the Master's degree from OBS Business School. In addition, and provided that you meet the established academic and administrative requirements, you will obtain a Lifelong learning Master's degree from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB).

In order to obtain it, you must have a university degree. In the exceptional case of not having this degree and having passed the Master's evaluations, you will obtain a Higher University Diploma from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB).

At OBS Business School we are committed to having our own degree, which allows us to quickly update and adapt the programmes in each edition to be at the forefront of the educational level demanded by companies today. Our programmes are designed for professionals who want to strenghten their management skills and learn through an international experience.


Con los MBAs y Másters online de OBS podrás obtener una doble titulación

Admission Process

The fundamental objective of our admissions process is to ensure the suitability of candidates. All participants should get the most out of this learning experience, through a context in which it is possible to develop long-term relationships with classmates, faculty and alumni.

After completing the application form for one of our programmes, you will receive an e-mail with information about the School and a member of the Admissions Department will contact you to start the admission process.

Once you have successfully passed the personal interview, you must submit all the required documentation to continue the admission process and certify that you meet the requirements of the student profile. After the Admissions Committee, if it is positive, you will be able to register and enrol in the programme you have applied for.

Steps of the Admissions Process of OBS Business School in English

Student's Profile

Our students on the Master's Degree in Marketing and Commercial Management are professionals who wish to take a further step in their professional lives.

Student Profile of the Master in Marketing and Sales Management at OBS Business School
"When you have to juggle business, activities and family, the way to do it successfully has been through OBS".
Pablo Borrero
Master in Marketing and Commercial Management