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Master in Legal Tech

School of Innovation & Technology Management

The Master in Legal Tech, with a Master's in lifelong learning, provides students with knowledge to understand digital businesses, the legal challenges they present and the appropriate tools to find solutions in order to mitigate their risks and seize the opportunities they offer.

Descubre los Máster de la School of Innovation & Technology Management de OBS
Master in Legal Tech
  • 12 months
  • 60 ECTS
  • APRIL 2025
  • Online
  • 7500 €
Universidad UNIE es Partner Académico de OBS
Academic Partner

Additionally, obtain a double degree from our academic partner in Madrid, the University specialized in what the market demands.

OBS ha recibido la máxima distinción de QS Stars en online learning
QS Stars Rating System

We are the first 100% online Business School in the world to receive the QS Stars rating, obtaining the highest distinction, five QS Stars, in the Online Learning.

Logo BGA de AMBA, membresía obtenida por OBS Business School
AMBA's BGA Membership

OBS is a member of AMBA's BGA (Business Graduates Association), an institution that recognises the academic quality of high potential Business Schools.


  • OBJETIVE 1. 
    To understand the most relevant regulations applicable to digital business, particularly in the areas of data protection, protection of intangible assets, contracting, competition law and marketing.
  • OBJETIVE 2. 
    Having a global approach that takes into consideration different regulations involved and the ability to relate them to each other.

  • OBJETIVE 3. 
    Practical approach that provides consolidated experiences and execution of practical cases that allow students to elaborate business-oriented solutions on their own with an adequate risk analysis.

  • OBJETIVE 4. 
    To become aware of the legal challenges that may arise from the irruption of new technologies and to be able to provide a solution adapted to them.

Conoce al detalle de los principales objetivos del Máster 100% online de OBS Business School

Master's Degree in Master in Legal Tech Syllabus

The market increasingly demands professionals who understand the intersection of law and technology, so that they understand law as a lever for transformation and change. Our programme is structured in 3 blocks and culminates with the Master's Final Project.  

Block 1. Privacy and data protection
Block 2. Digital & Business contracts 
Block 3. Disruptive technologies and new business concepts
Master's Final Project
Bootcamps and additional activities

Ignacio Vela Navarro-Rubio
Programme Director and Government Affairs and Public Policy Manager at Google Spain

1. Privacy and data protection

The aim of this module is to understand the basic aspects of personal data protection regulations, to distinguish it from other areas of protection and to understand the value and risks of exploiting personal data from a legal point of view. Aspects such as security breaches or the figure of the Data Protection Delegate, essential for any company that carries out its activity in the digital sphere, will be explored in depth.

Professor: Sara García Sánchez, Business Affairs at Mediapro Studio. 

The digital world is, by definition, an intangible environment in which value resides in assets that have hardly any material support (databases, software, etc.). The Spanish legal system offers different mechanisms to protect these assets. The aim of this module is to explain these mechanisms by introducing their basic concepts (intellectual property, industrial property, business secrets, etc.) in order to be able to analyse their application to each specific case.

Profesora: Ana Alpera Plazas, Legal Advisor at Prime Video & Amazon Studios.

2. Digital & Business Contracts

A large part of our transactions are carried out electronically. It is vital, therefore, to know what regulations govern this type of transactions in a global and interconnected world. The aim of this module is to study these regulations in depth and to see their practical application so that the student can design an online shop from a legal point of view.

Professor: Ignacio Vela, Government Affairs and Public Policy Manager at Google.

Digital business is a preponderant reality in many sectors (tourism, advertising, purchase and sale of goods, etc.). This has led to the application of competition law having to adapt to this new digital reality. The aim of this module is to understand the fundamental aspects of competition law and how they have affected digital business. It will also explain the basic concepts of the Digital Markets Act, which is destined to become the regulation that tries to guarantee the disputeability between companies in digital markets.

ProfessorJorge Manzarbeitia Pérez, Lawyer at Callol, Coca & Asociados.

In digital business it is very common to face complex problems, where knowledge is outsourced or developed by a third party. Therefore, the relationship with suppliers and collaborators is even more important and it is necessary to know how to articulate it correctly from a legal point of view. The aim of this module is to go deeper into the key aspects of technological contracting by providing practical examples.

ProfessorMarta de Pablos Carmona, Associate Legal Counsel at Google Cloud.

Software plays a key role in digital business. They are from the interface with the user to the ones that ensure the functioning of the internal processes of a company.  The aim of this module is to explain the most relevant aspects of the regulations governing computer programs, as well as the contractual aspects that most affect them.

ProfessorBegoña Sánchez de León Ramón-Borja, Senior Legal Counsel at Nexthink.

3. Disruptive technologies and new business models

Information society service providers have created a new digital ecosystem in which the boundaries of liability are not entirely clear. From search engines to video sharing or mobility platforms, each business model has its own characteristics. The aim of this module is to go deeper into the regulations governing this liability and to explain their practical application. It will also explain the basic concepts of the Digital Services Act, which is destined to become the regulation that deals with issues such as the liability of online intermediaries.

Professor: Pablo Uslé Presmanes, Team Leader at Baker McKenzie.

One of the sectors most affected by the digital transformation is marketing. From the sending of commercial communications to the emergence of new forms of advertising, digital marketing poses many challenges from a legal point of view. The aim of this module is to learn about the legal aspects applicable to digital marketing.

Professor: Paula Órtiz López, Co- Founder at The Legal School.

Cloud computing is one of the dominant factors in digital business for a number of reasons. From cost savings to ease of scalability, most companies are implementing cloud computing solutions. The aim of this module is to analyse the most significant legal aspects of cloud computing and to provide the necessary tools to be able to solve the challenges posed by this technology.

Professor: Alvaro Úbeda Muñoz, Co-Founder at The Legal School.

Certain technologies have the potential to become disruptive factors in the economy and society as a whole, either because of the type of solutions they offer or because of their complexity. The aim of this module is to analyse the legal challenges posed by certain technologies such as blockchain, cryptoassets and smart contracts.

Professor: Marina Fontcuberta Cortés, IT Lawyer at ATH21.

Master's Final Project and Additional Activities

This program is designed to complement the content of the thematic blocks with the necessary training to achieve their assimilation. Said activities are conceived from a triple perspective: technical assistance, personal support and individual and group challenges that are necessary to achieve the objectives set.

Pre-Masters Bootcamps

The student will have the opportunity to take 3 Pre-Master Bootcamps that will open progressively and can be taken at any time. Once these activities are successfully completed, students will receive a certificate of completion.
- Bootcamp 1. Personal Branding
- Bootcamp 2. Data Storytelling
- Bootcamp 3. Creative Thinking and Innovation

In addition, students will also have the opportunity to take these pre-master courses; however, these are available in English only:
- Building Your Professional Brand for Employability and Career Success
- Finance Fundamentals

Introductory Workshop | Campus Training
Before the start of the academic year, students will have the opportunity to attend an introductory workshop to the Campus, where they will be provided with the necessary tools and knowledge for the correct use of the platform during the academic year.

Professional Development Program (PDP)
Two weeks before the start of the academic year, students will be able to participate in a professional development program where they will work hand in hand with a teacher to develop different skills such as time management, productivity, stress management and emotional intelligence. Upon completion of the workshop, and provided that the relevant activities have been carried out, a certificate of completion can be obtained.

The Master's Final Project is based on the definition of a Digital Project. The work will be done in groups, students will have to analyse the feasibility of the project and the legal risks. A professor will supervise their work. The work must be presented before an examining board.

The Master's in Digital Law is complemented by lectures and seminars given in each of the blocks. These additional activities are carried out by renowned professionals in business management who, through videoconferences, share their experiences and practical cases.

Bootcamp: Regulatory challenges of Artificial Intelligence
In this bootcamp we will analyse the regulatory challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence and its application to specific sectors. In addition to explaining the principles of specific regulation on Artificial Intelligence, we will analyse the impact on other more consolidated regulations such as intellectual property and privacy. A practical analysis of the legal implications of Artificial Intelligence in specific sectors will also be carried out. 
ProfessorAlvaro Úbeda Muñoz, Co-Founder at The Legal School.

Company visits
During the programme, students will have the opportunity to attend synchronous videoconferences with professional experts in the programme area. They will share their experience and provide best practices in the sector.

Case studies
The practical component of the programme is essential and complements the theoretical training. To this end, during the course there will be debates on current topics of interest in each of the subjects, simulations for decision-making applied to real situations or case studies where the problems posed and the solutions proposed, as well as the criteria taken into account to carry them out, will be analysed from an academic point of view.

Most of the training is done asynchronously, that is, the exchange of knowledge is done through a platform that allows sharing written texts without the need for people to be connected at the same time. Additionally, in each of the modules, synchronous sessions or 'webinars' are organised, where all participants are connected at the same time through an application, which allows the exchange of knowledge in 'real time'.

The Master of Lifelong Learning in Digital Law includes the preparation of students for the following certifications:**

- ICN Business IT Certification
- Scrum Certification (Product Owner & Scrum Master)

**The cost of the certifications and the preparatory course is not included in the price of the programme.


La metodología Student ON de OBS se centra en el estudiante impulsando su desarrollo profesional en un entorno 100% online

OBS has an online methodology where the core is the student. Always backed by active and internationally renowned lecturers, who share their knowledge to enhance the professional development of students through a flexible, collaborative method with personalised monitoring. The aim is to create a unique educational experience that allows the assimilation of knowledge in a practical way.

Student ON's fundamental pillar is the student and, for this reason, throughout the course students have their Programme Manager, an academic figure who accompanies them in a personalised way.


After successfully finishing the programme, and having completed the relevant procedures, you will receive the OBS Business School diploma. In addition, and provided that you meet the established academic and administrative requirements, you will obtain a Lifelong learning Master's degree from the Universidad Internacional de la Empresa (UNIE). In order to obtain it, you must have a University Degree (Engineering, Bachelor's Degree or Diploma).

At OBS Business School we are committed to having our own degree, which allows us to quickly update and adapt the programmes in each edition to be at the forefront of the educational level demanded by companies today. Our programmes are designed for professionals who want to strenghten their management skills and learn through an international experience.



Con los MBAs y Másters online de OBS podrás obtener una doble titulación

Admission Process

The fundamental aim of our admissions process is to ensure the suitability of candidates. All participants should get the most out of this learning experience, through a context in which it is possible to develop long-term relationships with classmates, faculty and alumni.

After completing the application form for one of our programmes, you will receive an e-mail with information about the School and a member of the Admissions Department will contact you to start the admission process. Once you have successfully passed the personal interview, you must submit all the required documentation to continue the admission process and certify that you meet the requirements of the student profile. After the Admissions Committee, if it is positive, you will be able to register and enrol in the programme you have applied for.

Steps of the Admissions Process of OBS Business School in English

Student Profile

Get to know the profile of the students who have studied the Master in Legal Tech, coming from different backgrounds and sectors, but with the common goal of enhancing their managerial skills to boost their professional careers in the digital world.


Discover the student profile of the Master in Digital Transformation at OBS
"The Master has allowed me to acquire a global vision of the digital market without having to move from my country".
Catalina Rendón
Master in Digital Business Management