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La opinión del Máster en Dirección de Marketing y Gestión Comercial de Yasmín Morales

We are OBS

Yasmín Morales shares her opinion as an alumni of the Master in Marketing and Commercial Management.

"It is very accessible and fits perfectly with our time and organisation, I am very satisfied with OBS"

Why did you take this Master's degree?

I took the Master's degree in Marketing Management because I felt that it could give me that extra edge I needed professionally, to look for better job opportunities and to contribute more from my own current position.

Why did you choose to study at OBS?

There were many reasons. Firstly, the school's track record and all the professional support it has was a great motivation and, on the other hand, I received very good recommendations from friends who had taken the master's degree at OBS and were very satisfied. 

What benefits does the online methodology have for you?

I chose the online methodology because, in both my professional and personal role, I needed the flexibility that these studies provide to be able to study the Master's degree while continuing with my day-to-day work. 

What would you highlight about the master's degree?

Among many things, I would highlight the ease of use of the platform, the study material, the rigour of the teachers and the agenda that was followed to make the most of the classes. 

Now you know Yasmin Morales's opinion about the Master in Marketing and Commercial Management. If you want to know more experiences of OBS Business School alumni, do not hesitate to consult them.