
OBS' Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship obtains the EFMD EOCCS certificate for the third time

Anna Pérez

The recertification confers a quality guarantee to the programme

In 2017, OBS' Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship was awarded the EFMD EOCCS certification for the first time. This year, the programme has obtained its recertification by the prestigious international institution for a third year.

EFMD is renowned for awarding prestigious international accreditations such as: EQUIS (institution-level accreditation), EFMD Accredited (programme-level accreditation), and EOCCS (online programme-level accreditation). The EOCCS certification of the Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship gives the programme quality assurance on aspects such as internationalisation, practical relevance and quality of e-learning.

The EOCCS certification (Online Course Certification System), awarded by EFMD, offers a reference framework of academic quality within the educational landscape, considering those programmes that focus on technology applied to teaching and learning. The Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship has been recognised for meeting the quality criteria set out in the institution's evaluation framework for EOCCS certification:

Institutional context

This standard situates the type of Institution, its identity and its strategic objectives for online learning within its market. The key assessment criteria are: institution in its environment, strategic planning, resources and facilities and course team.

Course composition

This standard draws on a variety of issues regarding the composition of the course, specifically drawing on conditions which are inherent in online learning. The key assessment criteria are: target groups, design for learning, design of course layout, course content and delivery, applied technology and qualification.

Course delivery and operations

This standard is based on the procedure and sequence of course delivery, from start to finish, particularly drawing on the support and feedback which is given to participants. The key assessment criteria are: course participants, course presentation, corporate interaction, internationalisation and sustainability.

Quality assurance processes

This chapter provides the Institution with guidelines to explain its policies and processes in the area of quality assurance. The key assessment criteria are: institutional system, course review, assessment of participants, monitoring of teaching and learning.

EOCCS Framework EFMD

What is EFMD?

Founded in 1972, EFMD Global Network is a global, non-profit, membership-driven organisation dedicated to management development. It is recognised globally as an accreditation body for business schools, business school programmes, and corporate universities. EFMD plays a central role in shaping the global approach to management education and provides a unique forum for information, research, networking, and debate on innovation and best practice.

All of these aspects, evaluated by EFMD, recognised in the Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship consolidate and highlight the academic quality and constant search for excellence of OBS Business School.

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Anna Pérez redactora OBS
Anna Pérez

OBS Business School's Content Manager