Paisaje nocturno Costa Rica
Events | OBS | Alumni

Alumni Club Afterwork Costa Rica 2024

Anna Pérez

Alumni community in Costa Rica meets for the first time for a networking event

Nuestra comunidad almuni en Costa Rica se reúne para crear nuevos lazos y fortalecer el networking

Last Wednesday, March 20th, our Alumni Club Costa Rica hosted a very special evening at El Mosaico restaurant located in the Escalante neighbourhood in San José, Costa Rica.

The afterwork was hosted by Nelly Murillo, Partner Manager at Mondelez International and President of the Alumni Club Costa Rica, and Natalia Bonilla, Operations Manager at Amazon Costa Rica and Ambassador of the Alumni Club Costa Rica. At the event, a group of 15 members of the OBS Business School Alumni Community enjoyed meeting in person for the first time, exchanging ideas and sharing their experiences.

"This interaction has not only enriched my personal growth, but also provided me with encouragement and inspiration".

At OBS we are proud to share that the afterwork of the Alumni Club Costa Rica was a great success, since everyone present had the opportunity to enjoy a meeting full of special moments. As Natalia Bonilla, Ambassador of the Alumni Community in Costa Rica, said: " We could also share information and different tips with students who are currently studying their Master's degree". 

Afterworks held by our clubs aim to create new synergies among participants and the participants know it very well: "We expect Alumni's commitment on support us in the continuous learning and growth of our professional and career development; moreover, we expect this to enable powerful synergies for business growth and expansion", expressed Dr. María Elena Castro, alumni of the Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

"Alumni is committed to support us in the continuous learning and growth of our professional and career development"

Sharing experiences proved to be a source of inspiration for some of the attending members , as Jostin Jaime Poveda, alumni from the Master in CSR and Sustainable Leadership, noted: "It was an opportunity to immerse myself in their professional trajectories and share my own vision in life. This interaction not only enriched my personal growth, but it also provided me with encouragement and inspiration."

The group expressed their desire to keep participating in such meetings given that it provided the opportunity for strengthen their networking and create great projects.

Nuestros alumnos y exalumnos de Alumni Costa Rica reunidas crear nuevos lazos y fortalecer el networking
Anna Pérez redactora OBS
Anna Pérez

OBS Business School's Content Manager