OBS prepares you to obtain the international Business IT certification from Computerworld University
At OBS we not only want to continue to strengthen the value proposition of our technology programmes, but we also want to help all our students gain access to the business fabric of the tech sector.
To achieve this, it is essential to have internationally prestigious certifications such as the Business IT, launched by Computerworld University with the support of the international network of ICN certifications. The aim of this certification is to validate that a professional understands and masters what today's most disruptive technologies are and what they are for, including Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and cybersecurity, among others. Therefore, this certification is designed for professionals who manage or participate in projects that use disruptive technologies in their day-to-day work.
In order to make it easier to obtain this recognised certification, developed with the support of Google, IBM, HP, Intel, Qualcomm, Dell and other leading manufacturers, the school provides our students and alumni with preparatory courses so that they can pass the exam for this certification without any problems.
Who can access these OBS preparatory courses?
All students and alumni of the school who have completed or are currently enrolled in any of the programs at OBS Business School may participate in these courses.
When will these courses take place?
The preparatory bootcamps will take place on October 22, 25, and 29, and November 5, 8, and 12, from 7 PM to 9 PM.
Once students register for these preparatory courses, OBS will also give them access to a student handbook, tutorials and recorded master classes given by leaders of the main manufacturers in the market.
If you want to validate your knowledge and prepare yourself to obtain this internationally prestigious certification, which is already held by more than 50,000 professionals from all continents, do not hesitate to fill in the following form:
*Limited places in the preparatory courses. The cost of the certification, as well as the preparatory course, are not included in the price of the programme.