Hero Alumni Talks - Behind the cameras ESTO ES UN TEXTO PARA VERLO

Alumni Talks

Empowering your networking

From the Alumni area of the school, we offer our community an initiative in which our students and alumni are the main characters: The Alumni Talks. This is a space designed to promote networking and knowledge in which two of our alumni discuss and present their experiences on a common area of expertise and share their advice with the OBS Community.


Sinergias entre alumnos
Encourage networking in the Community
Alumnos de OBS Business School
Discover and learn from real experiences
74,3% obtiene un ascenso laboral después del Máster
Promote synergies within the Community
icono mundo
Discuss and learn about trending topics
icono profesionales
Learn about the reality of professions


Gemma Segura, experta de Project Mentoring

Gemma Segura, Professor and Director of the Master in Neuromarketing and Consumer Behavior.

She is a professor, consultant, Executive Coach and Mindfulness Trainer and has a long professional career guiding various professionals during the development of their projects and careers.
Gemma has a degree in Humanities from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and has completed a Master in Organizational Development from the GR Global Institute, as well as a Master in Marketing and Communications Management from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

Eduard Alcaraz, moderador del Alumni Talks

Eduard Alcaraz, professor at OBS Business School.

Eduard is currently the President of feliciCat (Institut Català de la Felicitat), as well as the co-founder of Premium Events & Incentives.

He has a degree in Advertising and Public Relations, a Postgraduate in Digital Marketing, a Master in Community Management and Social Media and a Master in Creativity and Advertising Strategy.

Latest Alumni Talks

In our Alumni Talks we discuss current topics that provide useful insights to continue growing and improving professionally. Alumni experts give us their opinions and share their professional experiences in order to offer us a closer and more realistic view of the current events.

Lifelong learning

Job Crafting

Communicate effectively

Brands with a purpose

Customer Experience

Agile Project Management

Relive previous Alumni Talks

Do you want to learn about our alumni’s experiences on current management topics? Access the playlist with all the complete sessions of our Alumni Talks on our Youtube channel.


Do you want to listen to the podcasts?

Descubre el Canal de Spotify oficial de OBS Business School

Join our Spotify channel

If you prefer to listen to the Alumni Talks, we have created a public playlist on our Spotify channel with the full talks.